About Us

Today, the Cleveland Scientific Institution is a Charitable Institution promoting Teesside education and training opportunities for young people in Science, Technology, Engineering and Risk Management. This year, the CSI is led by Mr Nigel Heslop and Dr Joe McGinnis.

And historically,

''...an institute which would be the home of all technical workers in iron and steel, shipbuilding and engineering."

Ninety years ago the dream of an exceptional man became reality and the Cleveland Technical Institute was founded. The man was Dr J E Stead, DMet, DSc, FRS, whose services to metallurgy had secured him an unrivalled international reputation and whose personal qualities brought him equally wide respect.

Beyond his technical and scientific activities, Dr Stead had an over-riding passion to secure for young men the opportunity to enlarge their knowledge.

''He conceived the idea of an institute which would be the home of all technical workers in iron and steel, shipbuilding and engineering. He wished them to have a home where they could meet in good fellowship and in surroundings conducive to a healthy exchange of views."

''...a home where they could meet in good fellowship and in surroundings conducive to a healthy exchange of views."

CSI Sponsors Greenpower

The CSI along with Cummins were Associate Platinum Event Sponsors with the IMechE being the organis...

Teesmouth Field Centre

Since 2014, CSI has funded Teesmouth Field Centre for several different projects aimed at introduci...

Current Funded Activities

Prizes and AwardsThe James Winship Jackson and Alfred Clayton-Hill awards are presented annually.Ou...