Teesmouth Field Centre - Cleveland Scientific Institution

Teesmouth Field Centre

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Since 2014, CSI has funded Teesmouth Field Centre for several different projects aimed at introducing outdoor scientific, environmental activities for Primary School pupils. The first one was ‘Science of the Seasons’, followed by ‘Generating Geologists’ based on a study of rocks, soils and fossils run in 2017, then repeated in 2018. A new project ‘The River Tees – exploring engineering’ based on the Transporter Bridge and wind turbines, was funded in 2019. Hundreds of children from schools in the Tees Valley have enjoyed the outdoor learning experiences, greatly valued by their teachers too.   

CSI Sponsors Greenpower

The CSI along with Cummins were Associate Platinum Event Sponsors with the IMechE being the organis...

Teesmouth Field Centre

Since 2014, CSI has funded Teesmouth Field Centre for several different projects aimed at introduci...

Current Funded Activities

Prizes and AwardsThe James Winship Jackson and Alfred Clayton-Hill awards are presented annually.Ou...